
Palo Alto High School T-E-A-M Fundraiser event photo

Palo Alto High School T-E-A-M Fundraiser

Saturday March 29th

Celebrate Spring Fest with Alpine Sound!

And help raise funds for the Palo Alto Highschool's TEAM initiative - 15% of gross sales are donated by Ludwigs!

Admission is free, you can donate already via the ticket sale!

Silent Auction live now:

02:00 PM - 04:00 PM

2025-03-29 14:00:002025-03-29 16:00:00America/Los_AngelesPalo Alto High School T-E-A-M FundraiserCelebrate Spring Fest with Alpine Sound!And help raise funds for the Palo Alto Highschool's TEAM initiative - 15% of gross sales are donated by Ludwigs!Admission is free, you can donate already via the ticket sale!Silent Auction live now: BiergartenLudwigs
Buy Tickets
Makers Market event photo

Makers Market

Sunday March 30th

Monthly on every last Sunday


We're back with the Makers Market every last Sunday of the Month!

If you're a creator in the art&crafts section, please join us as a vendor ( If you like works of art and crafts join us for a nice Sunday market!

11:00 AM - 05:00 PM

2025-03-30 11:00:002025-03-30 17:00:00America/Los_AngelesMakers MarketRAIN CHECK FOR MARCH!We're back with the Makers Market every last Sunday of the Month!If you're a creator in the art&crafts section, please join us as a vendor ( If you like works of art and crafts join us for a nice Sunday market!Ludwigs BiergartenLudwigs
Headgames Trivia event photo

Headgames Trivia

Wednesday April 2nd

Every Wednesday

Join us for a lovely night of trivia with Headgames Trivia - win a Ludwig's gift card

06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

2025-04-02 18:00:002025-04-02 21:00:00America/Los_AngelesHeadgames TriviaJoin us for a lovely night of trivia with Headgames Trivia - win a Ludwig's gift cardLudwigs BiergartenLudwigs
Frauenstammtisch event photo


Thursday April 3rd

Monthly on every first Thursday

Jeden ersten oder zweiten Donnerstag im Monat, Genaueres hier:

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

2025-04-03 19:00:002025-04-03 21:00:00America/Los_AngelesFrauenstammtischJeden ersten oder zweiten Donnerstag im Monat, Genaueres hier: BiergartenLudwigs
Mountain View Stammtisch event photo

Mountain View Stammtisch

Tuesday April 15th

Monthly on every third Tuesday

05:30 PM - 09:00 PM

2025-04-15 17:30:002025-04-15 21:00:00America/Los_AngelesMountain View StammtischLudwigs BiergartenLudwigs


Sunday April 20th

Come celebrate Easter with us!

11:00 AM - 08:00 PM

2025-04-20 11:00:002025-04-20 20:00:00America/Los_AngelesEasterCome celebrate Easter with us!Ludwigs BiergartenLudwigs

Cinco De Mayo

Monday May 5th

Grab your best fiesta hat and join us for Cinco de Mayo!

11:00 AM - 11:59 PM

2025-05-05 11:00:002025-05-05 23:59:00America/Los_AngelesCinco De MayoGrab your best fiesta hat and join us for Cinco de Mayo!Ludwigs BiergartenLudwigs

Mother's Day

Sunday May 11th

Join us on Mother's Day and treat your mom to a delicious meal!

11:00 AM - 08:00 PM

2025-05-11 11:00:002025-05-11 20:00:00America/Los_AngelesMother's DayJoin us on Mother's Day and treat your mom to a delicious meal!Ludwigs BiergartenLudwigs
Taste of Mountain View event photo

Taste of Mountain View

Wednesday June 11th

We're participating in the Taste of Mountain View this year!

Be prepared to taste lovely home made Nürnberger Bratwurst, and/or Pretzel bites.

Early Bird tickets are already on sale here:

04:00 PM - 08:00 PM

2025-06-11 16:00:002025-06-11 20:00:00America/Los_AngelesTaste of Mountain ViewWe're participating in the Taste of Mountain View this year!Be prepared to taste lovely home made Nürnberger Bratwurst, and/or Pretzel bites. Early Bird tickets are already on sale here: BiergartenLudwigs
Father's Day event photo

Father's Day

Sunday June 15th

Treat your dad and join us for Father's Day!

11:00 AM - 08:00 PM

2025-06-15 11:00:002025-06-15 20:00:00America/Los_AngelesFather's DayTreat your dad and join us for Father's Day!Ludwigs BiergartenLudwigs
Christmas Eve event photo

Christmas Eve

Wednesday December 24th

Annually on December 24th

Open till 4pm, so all Germans can celebrate Christmas Eve in their families

11:30 AM - 04:00 PM

2025-12-24 11:30:002025-12-24 16:00:00America/Los_AngelesChristmas EveOpen till 4pm, so all Germans can celebrate Christmas Eve in their familiesLudwigs BiergartenLudwigs